Well, Baldwyn really — but close enough. 🙂
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Finally! Vacation Time’s Here
I’m also packed up and ready to do a little traveling with Miss Circle.
Circle Gets The Tickets
Pleasant surprise from Cindy. And now, it’s not what you’re thinking, so get you’re mind out of the gutter, mmmm’kay?
Random Thoughts
I know, I go several days without updating this space. Been busy! Anyhoo…
Can You Canoe?
That’s the question posed to Miss Circle and me. We’ll get that answer this weekend.
He’s Running For What? For Real?
While Doug Morris dot org was in the midst of getting back up and running (and again, I can’t thank Geof and Indigo enough for their help in getting this site and DougMorris.net back up and revived), this somewhat surprising news came to my attention.
Doug’s Place Reopens…Sort Of
Pardon the dust. Doug Morris dot org’s back after being offline due to a server crash. I’m working on a few things to spruce this back up to some sort of normalcy. So, as we say in the broadcast biz, “Please stand by.” Major thanks to Geof and Indigo for their help.
Ixnay On The Ixieday Ickschay
Kudos to my colleagues at B95 and KZ94.3 for deleting the Dixie Chicks from their playlists — at least for the timebeing — given recent insensitive remarks by one of the bands members.
1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … HOT STREAK…. er, Friday Five
Goodness, another big gap in time between doing these…
Talk About Reverse Psychology
This comes courtesy of Geof and his fellow wondergeeks.