It’s gonna take a lotto luck (Lamar Co. follow-up)

The results are in — and it’s bad news for the Lamar County School District… YES 53.82%NO 46.18% …a 60% supermajority of yes votes was needed for the win — hence why it’s a loss. I’m writing this reaction to the results from the perspective of an Ohioan. Yes, I know Lamar County, Mississippi, long …

“The Hollywood Squirrels” Final answer?

Random thoughts on recent game show developments. There’s word CBS will reboot “Hollywood Squares” in primetime next January. About all that’s known is Drew Barrymore will be the center square. Good pick. There’s a generation, and I’ll include myself in it, who’s seen her grow up in front of the camera from “E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial” …

It’s gonna take a lotto luck (follow-up)

Roughly four and a half years after the Mississippi Lottery sold its first scratch-off tickets, we may have our first sign it’s not helping our state’s schools. The Lamar County School District is putting a bond referendum up for votes in May. District leaders say the maximum amount of the bond issue would be $117 …

You’re a fake, baby. You can’t conceal it. Part VI.

Huh boy — let’s hope this doesn’t start another series of long posts. To see the first five parts, go to and search “You’re a fake, baby. You can’t conceal it.” Maybe I shouldn’t open up about this but I will. I gave up online dating for Lent — for the third time. Unless …

Are you reelin’ in the years?

We begin with this image that’s made the rounds on Facebook. Did the creator of this sign lose a job? I can’t say with certainty. I’ve seen worse. I remember seeing “F BREAKFAST” on a similar display at a certain restaurant in town. There was noticeable space between “F” and “BREAKFAST” — with the sixth …

Math and science are wonderful things

It seems appropriate one day after Pi Day that this happens. As this writer sees it, the only people who really wanted the relocation of the Mississippi University for Women and the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science to Mississippi State University, or to have any MSU involvement at all, are the legislators who proposed …

Big money goes around the world

(Hmmm, wonder why I’d go with Rush lyrics in the title for this post?) It’s been about 24 hours since “that happened” — so I suppose it’s safe to comment on “what happened.” For the last few months, I’ve been following “La Poule aux œufs d’or” — one of only two lottery TV game shows …

U.K.’s in Jeopardy! — baby — just — for one month?

The most recent version of the United Kingdom’s version of “Jeopardy!” has concluded its most recent series (“season” in American terms) after nearly one month. If ITV commissions another series, I’ve got ideas for improvements. But first, let’s look at the positives. As the old saying goes, if it looks like a duck and quacks …

Remembering the founder of TV’s best-known Doug’s Place

When my late brother and I were building Doug Morris dot org, I came up with the name Doug’s Place as a nod to an establishment on “Days of Our Lives”. The Doug in that Doug’s Place was Doug Williams, played by Bill Hayes. Word came this weekend Hayes passed away at the age of …

Another one bites the dust?

Belated wishes for a happy new year, everyone. If 2024 is not off to a great start, there is plenty of time for a turnaround. However, it appears it’s too late for a former nemesis of Doug’s Place. A colleague sent me these photos. The colleague also called the number listed for Direct Media Services …