Who can you trust?: Part IV

Okay, I’ll concede waiting for “the writer” to correct a mistake that is more than 12 months old is like leaving the porch light on for Jimmy Hoffa. So, the Kristen Welker era of “Meet the Press” is underway. It started with an in-depth interview with — the 45th President of the United States, Donald …

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (that Geof approved)

If you knew Geof, you knew he loved hockey. You knew he loved his Boston Bruins. But closer to home, he loved his UAH Chargers. When he was color commentator on the radio, it was great to see him be big brother to many players on the team. Many players came from Canada and other …

Some insight on “Insight”

A particular episode of a classic weekly series was recommended by YouTube recently. I’ll get to that in a moment. But first, some notes about the series itself. “Insight” was a religious-themed anthology that aired in syndication for more than two decades. Its host and creator was Father Ellwood E. “Bud” Kieser. The 71-year-old priest, …

Who can you trust?: Part III

Time for a follow-up to this original post. I’m only hotlinking this time because of recent developments and to, hopefully, help “the writer” see the error of his ways. First, let’s revisit this erroneous post. It’s bad enough “the writer” based this article on rumors and not a lot of facts. At least he called …

You’re a fake, baby. You can’t conceal it. Part V.

(Update on Esther Bea from Part IV. As of this writing, no response from her or the real lady who’s been victimized by Esther’s swiping. I’m kinda wondering when this series will end myself. ‘Til then…) Fake profiles aren’t limited to Facebook. Against my better judgment, I returned to online dating late last month. I …

You’re a fake, baby. You can’t conceal it. Part IV.

I didn’t mean for this to become a miniseries. But — it’s time to call out another fake. About two months ago, Esther Bea reached out and wanted to get personal on Facebook. She, like other fakes, asked about my professional and personal life, called me by terms of endearment instead of by name, etc. …

You’re a fake, baby. You can’t conceal it. Part III.

I’m on a roll, folks. A fake Facebooker pretended to be from this area. I won’t say the exact town. But let’s just say I was so ready to call her bluff. She, like others, never called me by my first name. She only addressed me by “sweetie”, “dear”, or some other term of endearment. …

You’re a fake, baby. You can’t conceal it. Part II.

A follow-up to this recent post is in order. A special hello to ScamHaters United on Facebook is also in order. I hope you’re finding this information useful. Even if you’re not in the group, I hope you find this information useful. In busting fake profiles on Facebook, I’ve looked for context clues. So when …

You’re a fake, baby. You can’t conceal it.

Doug’s Place Flashback: Remember this post? Mary’s Twitter page is still active as of this writing, but no new tweets since 2018. Meantime, this happened… …Serra William of Kansas City, Kansas, friended me on Facebook today. In trying to make small talk with her on Messenger, I noted I’m a native of Wichita. The Kansas …

The music has magic; you know you can catch it

With 2022 nearing an end, this is a good time to revisit one of the year’s most popular video clips with a critical eye — and perhaps ear. You’ve seen this a zillion times. Let’s make it a zillion and one. Now I begin with a confession. I’m one of 12 people who hasn’t watched …