Five years ago today, I met Cindy for the first time at lunch at a local restaurant. A co-worker was at the bar on July 31, 2002 – viewing the extremely humble beginnings of a loving relationship from afar. I’d spot this co-worker on our way out of the restaurant.
Today, to commemorate another otherwise happy milestone, this co-worker and I met for lunch at the same restaurant.
It was basically a time to look back – and look ahead. I’m wrapping up a lot of important matters – which I will not disclose here publicly. Suffice to say a huge burden is days away from being lifted from my shoulders.
Football season will be here in about a month – but Cindy will not be in the stands with me as she was for a stretch of four seasons. Plus, a busier-than-normal busy autumn is ahead for the radio stations I work for part-time – and I’ll be involved in some of them.
One thing I’m certain is not in the immediate future – naming one of the new dormitory buildings in Cindy’s honor. You’ll recall in an earlier post here at Doug Morris dot org, I gently challenged the powers that be to name a building for Cindy.
Looking back, naming a building for Cindy now would probably be too much too soon. Almost seven months have passed since Cindy died and the shock certainly hasn’t worn off among those of us who were honored and privileged to be associated with her by blood or marriage. I’m sure the same can be said at Carey.
Some food for thought. Just today, Lamar County officials named a bridge in honor of Tom Parker, who served as the county’s road manager for a dozen years and died two years ago today. Perhaps in those two years, time has healed some wounds and heads of Tom’s co-workers and relatives have thought clearer. End result: a true and proper chance to say “thank you†to Tom.
But back to Carey. As I told my co-worker at lunch today, I firmly believe enrollment is going to increase as time goes on. That will likely mean more dorm space has to be built. Hopefully, that will mean a true and proper chance to say “thank you†to Cindy – by naming a dorm in her memory.
I came across your blog by chance as I was looking to see if there was a website for Walnut Grove cemetery. But I am glad I found some of your reflections and thoughts over these past few months. It was good to read more about Cindy and learn what a gift she was to so many others. I still think of you and Cindy’s family and pray for God’s peace and grace to come to you each day.
– Rev. Katherine Olson, Delphos