Four Days Of The 4th

Why celebrate America’s independence just one day out of the year? Go for four days!

Tomorrow, the church is hosting “4th on the 1st”. I fear it won’t have as much flare as the previous three versions. Too many concerns were raised by city officials over fireworks at Relay Park and one of Petal’s biggest events turns into a little block party at the church. I’ve got some work to do with members of the RockTrax team this week — tomorrow included.

Wednesday, Hattiesburg and Laurel have their big fireworks displays. Hope to attend one of them assuming I’ve got gas in the mental tank.

Thursday, for sure, I’ll attend the all-day concert at The Green Room, a local watering hole. I’m working only half the day on Thursday — so business shouldn’t disturb my attendance. 🙂

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  1. There’s a team of people on RockTrax? When the hell did you get approval for a staffing increase? 😉

    Must be nice to have free time this week. We’re shipping hardware …

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