Well — it appears waiting for the “writer” of FTVLive to retract this statement…
“If NBC puts (Savannah) Guthrie on (“Meet the Press”), it gives the show a female host, which would be a first.”
…is like leaving the porch light on for Jimmy Hoffa.
After four social media posts — from accounts which I normally use to focus on fun, games, pop culture, etc. — as well as a scathing post from this website and a direct e-mail to the “writer”, nothing from said “writer”. Maybe he’s busy trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube in between daily posts?
But seriously, when you analyze, scrutinize, criticize, or hypothesize someone or something associated with a TV program that launched roughly two years and two months after the end of World War II, you’d better get your facts straight. Yes, “Meet the Press” does go back to 1947. Yes, Martha Rountree co-created “Meet the Press” and moderated the NBC-TV program for its first six years.
To be fair to the “writer”, who has made it clear he wants to see more women and people of color on the air and in news management (a take we should all agree with), I can think of at least a couple of others women who deserved a chance to moderate “Meet the Press” on a permanent basis. The fact of the matter: The list of permanent moderators of the program does not read like members of “an all-boys club”.
There’s a lot more I could write, but I would bury the point. So let’s get to said point.
To send your two cents to the “writer”, e-mail ftvlive (at) gmail (dot) com. I’m expressing the e-mail address this way to lower the risk of spamming.
In the body of the message, politely remind the “writer” his reporting from August 29, 2022, on the possible future status of a couple of anchors of a couple of NBC News programs included an inaccurate statement. “Meet the Press” literally began with Martha Rountree. Request a full retraction from the “writer”.