Reverting To “The Civilian Apprentice”

It was recently reported that The Apprentice will go back to its original version with a number of job applicants competing to win a job within Donald Trump’s organization.

As you’re probably aware, this and the previous two seasons have been all-celebrity versions. While lots of money has been raised for great causes and there have been some great moments (seeing Omarosa getting the boot again, Melissa Rivers’ post-elimination outbursts, etc.), I have a feeling the taping of last night’s episode gave us “the real reason” why The Celebrity Apprentice will be Celebrity no more.

Without spoiling, I’ll note…

\ One celebrity had to back out of the competition due to a family matter.

\ Another, I sense, is teetering on the brink of bailing out due to a daughter’s medical condition. At least I can go into specifics since it was the focus of a lot of promos. Bret Michaels was in touch with his daughter over the possibility she’s a diabetic. Michaels, a diabetic himself, was naturally devastated and freaking out.

\ Another had a previously scheduled appointment at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (The White House, for those of you in Alpha, Ohio).

\ Another was apparently ill.

…while they’re all excused absences, I could see Trump’s frustration in the boardroom. Sure, these sort of things happened in pre-celebrity versions (away observing religious holidays, death in the family, etc.) The thing is they happened few and far between.

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