Hitting Too Close To Home

By now, I trust you’ve heard a suspect has been arrested in the JonBenet Ramsey case – nearly ten years after her death. News of the suspect is hitting too close to home.

The suspect, John Mark Karr, reportedly grew up in Hamilton, Alabama. Reports say Karr was fired from teaching jobs in Hamilton and nearby Winfield – mainly because he had inappropriate conversations with students.

I know this area pretty well. My grandmother lives there.

The word “freaky” comes to mind.

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1 Comment

  1. Doug, we need tougher laws to get sex offenders and pedophiles off the street. it’s a damn shame that our justice system is wacko by letting these weirdoes off scott free.

    I hate seeing another child molested or killed by one of these offenders. There are over 60 of them in my area, and one lives not far from me. Every parent in my neighborhood warns their kids about speaking to him, the way my parents did my sister and I about talking to strangers growing up.

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