That’s what I witnessed on the side road on the way to work this morning. Someone trying to tell me something?
Seriously, we’ve had lots of rain here since Friday. Miss Circle and I had tentative plans to go to a downtown festival in Ellisville Saturday — but didn’t feel like dodging the rain drops (reportedly, they went on ahead with it despite the on-and-off showers… now *that’s* courage). So, we just hung out at my place, played a few computer games (got skunked in Monopoly) and watched football (saw that Ohio State win and Michigan lost — YAY!).
Sunday, during the radio show, I quietly celebrated 10 years in radio (actually, it’ll be a full decade this Halloween). Basically, I chose not to make a big deal out of it since the decade includes the 3 1/2 at “the old station”. There were good times in those days — but I’d rather concentrate on the present and future.
I suppose it has been 10 years, but sometimes it doesn’t seem that long. At other times I cannot remember when you were not on the radio. Congratulations!!
Old man.