Quest For The Red Supplemental

A point to ponder from the AP…

(Mount Laurel, New Jersey-AP) — What’s the rush? That’s how guys feel about marriage, according to a new study from Rutgers University. Researchers from the New Jersey school found men are waiting longer than ever to walk down the aisle. The median age for first marriages for American men is now a record-high 27. Men say they want to enjoy the single life as long as they can. And the number-one reason for not getting married? Single guys say these days they can get the sex without the ring.

I’ll agree to some extent the single life has its advantages. Still, my top two reasons I’m not married…

1. I haven’t found “the one”.

2. I don’t want to go through three ex-wives before landing “the one”. Just get married once and be done with it.

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