Math and science are wonderful things

It seems appropriate one day after Pi Day that this happens.

As this writer sees it, the only people who really wanted the relocation of the Mississippi University for Women and the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science to Mississippi State University, or to have any MSU involvement at all, are the legislators who proposed this. If that’s the case, a polite request to those in North Mississippi: Remember in November.

Based on the chatter I’ve seen and heard in online versions of newscasts from the area, opponents didn’t see how the relocation would save anyone any money. Other opponents also raised the issue of MSMS’s 16-, 17-, and 18-year-old students on the campus of an SEC school — possibly being exposed to a lot of Thursday and Friday night partying and definitely being exposed to big money sports, especially on the weekends.

At a time like this, I wish Geof were still here. My younger brother passed away nearly two years ago. I’m sure he would’ve opposed this proposed move — loudly. If you knew Geof, you knew he spoke fondly of his years at MSMS and Columbus. There are a few MSMS staffers from the late 1990s who remember Geof. He’s that unforgettable.

With that, long may MUW and MSMS live in Columbus. And, if you can spare the dimes, please send a monetary contribution to: Geof Morris Memorial Fund, MSMS Foundation, 1100 College Street W-190, Columbus, MS 39701.

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