It’s gonna take a lotto luck (Lamar County’s second attempt)

Welp, if at first you don’t succeed, try try again.

The Lamar County School District is giving its bond issue another chance in front of voters. It’s the same one as before.

As before, it needs a 60% supermajority of yes votes. If it clears that hurdle, it will mean new buildings for Purvis High School, Sumrall High School, and Oak Grove Middle School — as well as a new gymnasium for Lumberton Elementary and a new office building for Oak Grove Elementary School. (Why not makeover or get new buildings for the aforementioned elementary schools? Just throwing out a question.)

The only change to the strategy — campaigning. As Doug’s Place understands it, the school district is not allowed to actively campaign. In its place, enter the Friends of Lamar County Schools Political Action Committee.

Doug’s Place Take: To borrow a line from the game show host character in the 1990s video game Smash TV, “Good luck. You’lllllll need it.” No matter who takes the lead in campaigning, this still looks like a big ask while certain parts of the service area — particularly Lumberton — are getting the short end of the stick. That’s the problem.

The vote will be part of the general election ballot on November 5.

And, as this series of posts continues to hint, how much money is Lamar County seeing from the Mississippi Lottery (if any)?

To see other posts in this series, some of which predate the first release of the bond issue, please go to and enter “It’s gonna take a lotto luck” in the search box.

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